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Unicaf Helps Kenyan Students & Professionals Improve their CVs

Date Published: 12 MAR 2020 By: Unicaf Team
Unicaf Helps Kenyan Students & Professionals Improve their CVs

The interest to attend the CV and Cover Letter Writing workshops is unwavering among Kenyans. The latest session on the 12th of March attracted around 100 persons from different age groups, including high school graduates, university students and professionals – accountants, entrepreneurs, teachers, nurses and IT specialists among others.

Marketing and Communication Manager Winnie Rachael led the workshop, which gave valuable advice on ways to present one’s qualifications and talents in the best way possible to attract the attention of prospective employers.

Attendees found the workshop very useful and thanked Unicaf for offering this free training to the community at large, to help people improve their chances of getting into university or securing a job they are after.