University Partners
University Partners

The University of East London has been pioneering futures since 1898: from the 2nd Industrial Revolution through to where we are now, the 4th. We are a careers-led university, dedicated to supporting our students to develop the skills, emotional intelligence and creativity needed to thrive in a constantly changing world.
Over the 2018-19 academic year the University of East London has been developing and starting to implement a new 10-year strategy, Vision 2028, to transform our curriculum, pedagogy, research impact and partnerships to make a positive difference to student, graduate and community success. Our ambitious but achievable goal is to become the leading careers-focused, enterprising university in the UK, one which both prepares our students for the jobs of the future and provides the innovation to drive that future sustainably and inclusively.
Unicaf is a global delivery partner of the University of East London, UK, responsible for the recruitment, admission, enrolment and support of online learners to University awards approved for distance online delivery. On successful completion, graduates will receive a University of East London award.
Read more about the partnership between the University of East London and Unicaf on the official University of East London .
Message from the Vice-Chancellor of University of East London – Professor Amanda Broderick
“The University of East London has placed increasing the strength and diversity of the talent pipeline for a 4.0 economy at the centre of our priorities. As we progress through and beyond the 4th industrial revolution, it is critically important that we prepare the next generation to access and engage with the evolving opportunities arising globally. Education is and should be, borderless. Advancing together will create a fairer, more peaceful and prosperous world. That is why I am delighted to announce the commencement of a range of exciting, new, international educational partnerships aimed at advancing society and the economy to flourish and thrive. This global engagement aligns with our careers-1st mission to prepare our students for the jobs of the future, and through global enterprise and innovation drive forward this future inclusively and sustainably.
The University of East London is delighted to launch its new partnership with Unicaf. We believe that UEL and Unicaf share many important values around supporting our students to develop the skills, emotional intelligence and creativity to thrive in a constantly changing world. Our partnership with Unicaf will make UEL’s career-focused courses accessible to many students throughout the continent of Africa through Unicaf’s bespoke online platform, thereby supporting their aspirations. We are tremendously excited by this partnership and we look forward to developing this partnership further over the coming years and months.”
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The Liverpool Mechanics Institute was founded by people of power and influence who recognised the transformative effects of education and the impact that learning and aspiration could have on individuals, communities and society. It was the first such institution to be founded in England.
This small, pioneering movement was followed by the establishment of the Liverpool Institute and School of Art and the Liverpool Nautical College, and in 1900 Irene Mabel Marsh opened the IM Marsh campus. These organisations together laid the foundations for Liverpool John Moores University, an institution that has grown and flourished and continues to provide opportunities for all.
Today, Liverpool John Moores University proudly stands as the 4th best university in the UK, as recognised in the esteemed University Compare 2023 rankings. With a thriving community of over 23,000 students hailing from more than 100 countries worldwide, alongside a dedicated team of 2,400 staff members, and an extensive offering of 250 degree courses, Liverpool John Moores University established as one of the largest, most dynamic, and forward-thinking universities in the country.
Unicaf is a global delivery partner of the Liverpool John Moores University, UK, responsible for the recruitment, admission, enrolment and support of online learners to University awards approved for distance online delivery. On successful completion, graduates will receive a Liverpool John Moores University award. For more information and confirmation, click
Read more about the partnership between Liverpool John Moore University and Unicaf on the official Liverpool John Moores University .
Message from the Professor and Chief Executive of Liverpool John Moores University – Mark Power.
“We at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) are delighted to be working in partnership with Unicaf, to offer a range of LJMU postgraduate programmes that will equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to make a real impact in their own communities and further afield.
Through this partnership, and Unicaf’s state-of-the-art, online learning platform, we are able to offer students access to a real-world focused, high quality, but affordable, internationally recognised education. LJMU prides itself on delivering programmes of study that meet the needs of employers and governments, regionally, nationally and internationally. More importantly, we offer education that has the potential to transform our students’ lives. By working in partnership with Unicaf, we hope to be able to make a difference to an even wider, global community.
We are at the start of what I anticipate will be a long and fruitful relationship with Unicaf. As we continue to expand our programme portfolio online, we look forward to welcoming new students to the LJMU community.
I wish every one of you success in your future studies.”
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The University of Suffolk is a transformational university, absorbing the best of UK university traditions and aligning them with a twenty first century audience and a modern world of employment and entrepreneurship. The university is a distinctive, thriving academic community which makes a clear and immediate impact, with a purpose to change the lives – of individuals and communities – for the better.
The partnership between the University of Suffolk and Unicaf brings together the resources and capabilities of both organisations to offer innovative learning solutions and programmes which are delivered fully online to the needs of a wide range of professionals.
Read more about the partnership between the University of Suffolk and Unicaf on the official University of Suffolk .
Message from the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Suffolk in the UK – Professor Helen Langton
“The University of Suffolk is one of the newest universities in the UK, having received its University status in 2016. As such, we are keen to not only mature and develop our brand and reputation in the UK, but also globally. We are smaller than most universities so we can be flexible and agile, meeting the needs of a changing world. We can promote education’s role in being transformational for individuals, communities and society more widely. One of the ways to achieve this is to deliver elements of our curriculum on campus and online. Partnering with Unicaf will enable us to deliver degree programmes to students around the world.
We aim to develop their skills and knowledge in relation to a range of programmes, starting with our MSc in Public Health. This course will contribute to the increasing need to lead our world approach to public health with a strong emphasis on prevention and early detection, alongside how to influence public health policy and practice more widely. For the University of Suffolk, this helps us achieve our mission and vision to transform lives, and we will benefit from being able to grow our brand and reputation globally and learn more with Unicaf, about delivering online courses. This partnership will bring online, accessible and flexible higher education to many who would otherwise not be able to access it. In turn, our students will be able to transform their communities through the learning they are able to undertake online.”
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̽ is a pan-African, independent, internationally recognised university, combining the best elements of online learning through the offering of high-quality academic qualifications.
̽ pursues excellence in teaching and student achievement while ensuring a high degree of satisfaction in a dynamic online environment. ̽ is committed to setting high standards in higher education while working with relevant stakeholders to drive the evolution of online learning. ̽ aims to become the leading tertiary institution in Africa, recognised for its outstanding contribution to teaching, learning and research.
̽ offers Bachelor, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees in a wide range of subjects through its campus network. Students have the opportunity to earn high-quality qualifications at a low cost through exclusively online delivery or with the option of on-campus study. The University combines traditional face-to-face complimentary tutorials with the active use of digital learning tools through an innovative blended learning approach.
̽ is a proud member of the , the in Zambia and Malawi and the . The University is a full member of the, the world’s oldest international University network established in 1913 in the UK. The Association provides avenues for collaboration and cooperation among members in developing and sharing good practice for international higher education.
̽ in Zambia Campus
Experienced local and international academics share innovative techniques, research, and knowledge in a highly professional learning environment. ̽ facilitates the online delivery of study materials through its cloud-based digital platform, featuring a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), which is easy to navigate. Students can access study material online, benefit from a 24/7 e-library, submit coursework, and interact with instructors and fellow students.
For those who choose on-campus study, online learning is further enhanced with complementary face-to-face tutorials on the fully equipped campus in Lusaka. The Zambia campus features modern infrastructure in a technology-friendly environment creating a supportive atmosphere for students, faculty, and staff.
Programmes offered by ̽ in Zambia are accredited by the
̽ campus in Zambia also accredited by the as an Independent Higher Education Provider.
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̽ is a pan-African, independent, internationally recognised university, combining the best elements of online learning through the offering of high-quality academic qualifications.
̽ pursues excellence in teaching and student achievement while ensuring a high degree of satisfaction in a dynamic online environment. ̽ is committed to setting high standards in higher education while working with relevant stakeholders to drive the evolution of online learning. ̽ aims to become the leading tertiary institution in Africa, recognised for its outstanding contribution to teaching, learning and research.
̽ offers Bachelor, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees in a wide range of subjects through its campus network. Students have the opportunity to earn high-quality qualifications at a low cost through exclusively online deliveryor with the option ofon-campus study. The University combines traditional face-to-face complimentary tutorials with the active use of digital learning tools through an innovative blended learning approach.
̽ is a proud member of the , the in Zambia and Malawi and the . The University is a full member of the, the world’s oldest international University network established in 1913 in the UK. The Association provides avenues for collaboration and cooperation among members in developing and sharing good practice for international higher education.
̽ in Malawi Campus
Experienced local and international academics share innovative techniques, research, and knowledge in a highly professional learning environment. ̽ facilitates the online delivery of study materials through its cloud-based digital platform, featuring aVirtual Learning Environment (VLE), which is easy to navigate. Students can access study material online, benefit from a 24/7 e-library, submit coursework, and interact with instructors and fellow students.
For those who choose on-campus study, online learning is further enhanced with complimentary face-to-face tutorials on the fully equipped campus in Lilongwe. The Malawi campus features modern infrastructure in a technology-friendly environment creating a supportive atmosphere for students, faculty, and staff.
Programmes offered by ̽ in Malawi are accredited by the .
̽ campus in Malawi also accredited by the as an Independent Higher Education Provider. ̽ campus in Malawi is also a full member of the .
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L’Université Unicaf est une université pan-africaine, indépendante et internationalement reconnue, qui combine les meilleurs éléments de l’apprentissage en ligne en offrant des qualifications académiques de qualité supérieure.
L’Université Unicaf vise l’excellence dans l’enseignement et la réussite des étudiants tout en assurant un haut taux de satisfaction dans un environnement en ligne dynamique. L’Université Unicaf s’engage à établir des standards élevés en matière d’enseignement supérieur tout en travaillant avec les parties prenantes concernées pour faire évoluer l’apprentissage en ligne. L’Université Unicaf vise à devenir la principale institution tertiaire d’Afrique, reconnue pour son exceptionnelle contribution à l’enseignement, à l’apprentissage et à la recherche.
L’université Unicaf propose des licences, des masters et des doctorats dans un large éventail de programmes. Les étudiants ont la possibilité d’obtenir des qualifications de haute qualité à un faible coût grâce à une offre exclusivement en ligne ou avec la possibilité d’étudier sur le campus. L’université combine des tutoriels complémentaires traditionnels en face à face avec l’utilisation active d’outils numériques par le biais d’une approche novatrice d’apprentissage en alternance.
L’Université Unicaf est fière d’être membre de l’impact académique des Nations Unies (United Nations Academic Impact-UNAI), de l’Association régionale des universités d’Afrique australe (Southern African Regional Universities Association-SARUA) en Zambie et au Malawi et de l’Advance HE.L’université est membre à part entière de l’Association des universités du Commonwealth (Association of Commonwealth Universities-ACU), le plus ancien réseau universitaire international du monde, créé en 1913 au Royaume-Uni. L’association offre des possibilités de collaboration et de coopération entre les membres pour développer et partager les bonnes pratiques en matière d’enseignement supérieur international.
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, the continuing and professional education division of UC Riverside, has been an internationally recognized leader in educational outreach for individuals and organizations for more than 60 years. UCR Extension Impact Academy programs help students prepare for careers in fast-growing fields through an effective in-person format. During the program journey, experienced instructors guide students in learning valuable, in-demand skills with the added support of a team that is dedicated to helping them build the future that is right for them.
The between UCR Extension and Unicaf brings together the resources of both institutions to offer innovative learning solutions and programmes delivered fully online to respond to the needs of a wide range of professionals around the world.
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